Old Style Karate Seminar in São Paulo-Brazil!

Muidokan Karate Kenkyukai and Blog Puro Karate have the pleasure to invite you to the Old Style Karate Seminar: the effectiveness of historical applications for self-defense, which will be instructed by Sensei Samir Berardo, presenting the historical form of karate practiced in Ryuukyuu (Okinawa) before the modernization of the art, brought back through a strict…


What is Muidokan?

Founded by researcher and bunkai expert Samir Berardo, Muidokan Karate Kenkyukai is a society of people passionate about karate, with the purpose of researching, practicing, preserving and promoting this art in its original form (ie non-sport, competitive or merely aesthetic, but instead as a complete system of training and fighting for the preserving of life…
