Old style karate uses a rich terminology to refer to the fundamental techniques of the art. Here you will learn about these terms, recorded in historical books and oral teachings.
In a famous picture master Choki Motobu demonstrates an application for Naihanchi Shodan kata. It has been widely shared as a correct application, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
Here is an article written by Muidokan member Bruno Chagas, originally published on his blog, Puro Karate. The text addresses kakedameshi, kake-kumite and kakidī, historical concepts of Okinawan karate. The…
Our previous posts have shown how old school karate principles are used in a self-defense confrontation. In particular, they showed how these principles are effective in keeping the practitioner safe…
Among the various sources of Muidokan research are the historical teachings of ancient karate. Some of those teachings used to be transmitted exclusively through oral traditions (kuden 口伝) between generations…
In this video you can watch applications for the first part of Pinan Nidan kata (a close relative to Shotokan's Heian Shodan). It comes from the research by Muidokan founder…
Kakie カキエ is one of the extremely useful training drills of Okinawan karate, present in schools of many different lineages.
In this brief article I want to share a few important points I've learned about it.