Old school karate stickiness techniques seen in MMA!

Old school karate stickiness techniques seen in MMA!

Our previous posts have shown how old school karate principles are used in a self-defense confrontation. In particular, they showed how these principles are effective in keeping the practitioner safe even if they only defend themselves, without counterattacking[1]!

Here, the intent of the founder of Muidokan was mainly to obstruct and restrict the opponent’s movements (here for the full article).


Now here, the founder of Muidokan assumed the defensive role for a few moments, then attacked and overpowered the opponent using a sequence of hontou bunkai 本当分解 applications for joudan age-uke 上段上げ受け (here for the full article).


Coincidentally, a few days later, in an MMA fight, there was a great example of usage of the principles of stickiness and control we had demonstrated earlier. Fighter Jorge Masvidal, keeping in physical contact with his opponent, used his tactile sensitivity to predict, obstruct and deflect attacks received at close range.

As a serious Research Society, nothing done at Muidokan is guesswork. Everything is based on historical evidence, solid logic and rigorous testing. In addition to what can be seen by the historical evidence of these methods of defense, adherence and control[2] and by the integral technical reconstruction made by Muidokan’s research, these techniques are still present to a greater or lesser degree in some strains of Okinawan karate, such as at the school of Maeshiro Morinobu (10th dan) of Shidokan Shorin-ryu[3].

We took advantage of the recent MMA episode and an of an excellent video recording made in Okinawa by practitioner Nicolás Pérez to better illustrate the use of ancient karate techniques practiced in Muidokan. See in the video below the coincidence of the techniques used in MMA, Muidokan and Shorin-ryu Shidokan:


[1] In self-defense, the ideal is to finish the threat as quickly as possible, so it is advisable to attack as soon as you have the opportunity, preferably while keeping control of the opponent. In the case of the video, it was specifically a demonstration of the defensive power of old style karate, so there was no immediate counterattack.

[2] References and descriptions of these historical principles can easily be found in well-known and well-established karate bibliographies, many of which are included in the Recommended Resources section of this website.

[3] We at Muidokan have immense admiration for the work of Morinobu Maeshiro sensei, but have no affiliation with him or his school. The images of his training used here are for reference and illustration purposes only.


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