In this video you can watch applications for the first part of Pinan Nidan kata (a close relative to Shotokan's Heian Shodan). It comes from the research by Muidokan founder…
Kakie カキエ is one of the extremely useful training drills of Okinawan karate, present in schools of many different lineages.
In this brief article I want to share a few important points I've learned about it.
Some people may have been wondering if Muidokan Karate Kenkyukai is related to the excellent traditional martial arts school run by Dan Djurdjevic in Australia, of which the karate division name is also Muidokan.
The relationship can be better explained by Samir Berardo's own words.
Muidokan Karate Kenkyukai, in partnership with Nakamura Dojo, Nidô Kai and the Puro Karate blog brings, exclusively, the Old Style Karate Seminar to the state of Rondônia/Brazil! With an incredible…
Muidokan Karate Kenkyukai and Blog Puro Karate have the pleasure to invite you to the Old Style Karate Seminar: the effectiveness of historical applications for self-defense, which will be instructed…
The martial art we today call karate was originally developed in the Ryuukyuu Kingdom (located at an archipelago between southeast Japan and southeast China), based on the traditions and fighting…