Main line of application of Naihanchi/Tekki Shodan (opening), feat. The Karate Nerd

Main line of application of Naihanchi/Tekki Shodan (opening), feat. The Karate Nerd

Check out in this video the founder of Muidokan, Samir Berardo, demonstrating a little bit of the basic logic and application of the opening of the Naihanchi/Tekki Shodan kata! In just this small stretch Samir already shows how Karate can be fluid and the techniques are connected, both in attack and defense, and can have devastating applications!

The record is a behind the scenes of Samir’s encounter with the Karate Nerd himself, Jesse Enkamp, in December 2017! Among many conversations about Karate, Samir presented to Jesse some of Muidokan’s research. Jesse was very impressed and interested in what he saw, so much so that he asked to film a bunkai and publishing it on his channel first hand!

The video published by Jesse can be seen at this link:


→ Grabbing and controlling the opponent decreases his attack and defense possibilities;

→ The kata assumes that the opponent will react and try to protect himself;

→ Techniques such as joint locks can be used to damage, unbalance and render the opponent vulnerable. They’re often seamlessly combined with strikes and other methods of attack;

→ Applications always corresponding to the mechanics and fundamentals represented in kata;

→ Kata applications do several things at the same time: this is efficiency and economy of movement;

→ The idea is to hit and finish the opponent as quickly as possible, but if a technique fail the kata tells you what to do next;

→ Kata are not random sequences: they are representations of technical and tactical concepts developed for self-defense.

The Naihanchi bunkai shown here is just the tip of the iceberg of Muidokan Karate Kenkyukai founder Samir Berardo’s research on the original meaning behind karate kata, with width and depth never seen before. Be sure to follow the Muidokan page and profiles for more videos like this and news about our work!


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